- - - - - - - - - - - - - News Marquee - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~~ Trying to keep up with news here is too much work. If anyone wants me to say something here, then e-mail me and I will add it as soon as possible. Otherwise, just have a nice day! -Otik ~~ Hello! News and other information coming soon to this location. ~~ Advertise here! E-mail Nic at onethingiknow@hotmail.com for more information. ~~ Not had enough? Visit "The Unknown World" for more. ~~ Don't forget to visit the "My Quizzes" link on the sidebar. ~~

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Thursday, May 19, 2005

My my, this here Anakin guy...

12:01 this morning, the final episode in the saga of the Jedi came to a close, with the opening of Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

WARNING: I might be spoiling some things for those who have not see it yet.

This was a movie with a lot of good, and a lot of bad. Here's my take on it:

The Good:

Visual Effects. The movie opened with a breathtaking view of a space battle scene over Corusant. The detail in the background as we follow our Jedi heroes is incredible. Although some of the dialogue in this scene takes away from the full effect, this is easily the best space battle scene in the entire saga (in my opinion). The other stunning scene in the movie came towards the end, with the volcano lightsaber battle between Anakin and Obi-wan. Again, visually, this scene blows away any previous scenes of its kind, even the Darth Maul vs. Qui Gon and Obi-wan scene from Episode I.

Action Sequences. Although the opening scene ends with an awkward battle and rescue of chancellor Palpatine, after that point, the war and lightsaber scenes were excellently done. I did not know what to expect when I was General Grevious, but I was pleasantly surprised by his use of four (count 'em, four!) lightsabers in his battle with Obi-wan. Not only were the action scenes visually pleasurable, but mostly, they had much of the depth that made the battles of the original trilogy so special. Hearing Obi-wan say "Well, then you are lost!" as he realized he had no other choice but to kill Anakin had a similar ring to Luke refusing to kill Vader in 'Jedi'. The clone and droid fights were well done as well, showing a more war-like atmosphere than that of previous episodes. One last thing I want to mention is that we had to wait until this movie to really see Yoda fight. In Episode II, he jumped around and battled, but it left me unsatisfied, which I was not with his scene in Episode III.

Anakin's Transformation. In a scene that reminded me of Luke on Tatooine in the double-sunset, Anakin sat in the Jedi Counsel room and stared into the sky, his thoughts obviously on Padme. It was this moment that he decided he would do whatever it took to rescue and protect Padme. As Mace Windu is about to kill Palpatine, Anakin exclaims that he "needs" Palpatine, even though minutes before he expressed a desire to kill the Sith himself. Anakin, driven by his desire to save Padme from death, instead of taking Yoda's advice to "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose", listens when Palpatine says "I have the power to save the one you love". He cuts off Windu's arm, and allows Palpatine to finish the Jedi Master off. Faced with the fact that he has just killed Windu, he is left with only one option: join Palpatine. Ironically, Anakin's desire to save Padme ends up killing her.

Correlation to Original Trilogy. I knew before I stepped into the theatre that this movie would either be one of the best movies in the saga or the absolute worst. This was going to fall primarily on how well Lucas connected Episode III to Episode IV. I believe this is the true gem within this movie. We see Anakin become Vader, and we understand why he wears the mask we all know and love. We understand why Obi-wan and Yoda (as well as Qui-Gon) live on in spirit forms; we understand why Obi-wan moves to Tatooine, why the droids don't recognize him, How Luke and Leia find themselves where they are, as well as nearly every other question that needed to be answered. It is not a long step to see where Episode IV follows after this movie.

Foreshadowing and Postshadowing. Vader's remark "When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master" from A New Hope is made clear through the Volcano battle scene. I thoroughly enjoyed the similarity between the fate of Anakin and his son, Luke. Both in the end were presented with danger to a loved one, and Anakin fell to the dark side through it, whereas Luke did not. The presence of Chewbacca, though not central to the movie, was a pleasant foreshadow to his place in the original trilogy. The ships, growing increasingly like those from A New Hope, were also a sight worth seeing (early TIE fighters, X-Wings, Blockade Runners and Star Destroyers).

The Bad:

Dialogue. Little comments made, especially in the opening sequence, like "This is where the fun begins" by Anakin and others drew attention away from more important parts of the story. Throughout the story, there were comments made that didn't appear to fit, or that were spoken in a puzzling way. After receiving his mechanical suit, Vader didn't sound like he should, and his "NO!" at hearing of Padme's death seemed utterly fake. There were good parts of the dialogue, however, and Obi-wan's exclamation "You were the chosen one!" as Anakin burst into flames sent chills down my spine. Overall though, I think the dialogue cost this movie a lot in the long run.

Padme. Her character was not bad, but her character had nothing to do during 9/10 of the movie. She sat at home wanting just to leave the politics of war behind and run off with Anakin. Her character has literally no significant part until the volcano scene on Mustafar at the end.

Cuts. I got annoyed as every scene started with an aerial view of some building or group of buildings in Corusant. Yes, the scenes were nice, with all the vehicles flying around, but it became monotonous by the end.

Questions. Although I believe Lucas did a wonderful job connecting the new trilogy with the original one, there were still questions and possible contradictions. How did Leia see her mother when Padme died after giving birth? Why didn't Obi-wan know there was another (Leia) when Luke let him and Yoda down in 'Empire'? Why didn't Obi-wan recognize R2-D2 and C3PO when they came to him in A New Hope? These questions may not be insurmountable, but they do leave the watcher wondering.

Overall, I thought this was clearly the best movie of the three new ones, and was in the same level as the original trilogy. After two sub-par movies, I think Lucas redeemed himself and the Star Wars name with an excellent end to an epic saga that wll live on for many years to come.

My rating: 8/10

I - 5/10
II - 6/10
III - 8/10
IV - 9/10
V - 8/10
VI - 9/10

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

... The catalyst to my heart's happiness...

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

So wrong, can't embrace it...

So here I am again, for the (non-technically) fourth day in a row. This is seriously a record for me. This should be a short one, as I don't have much time.

I took my phone to the Verizon store last night, and because of the time, they wouldn't look at it until the morning. I didn't mind, because I couldn't use it anyway. Well, I go back this morning, and they did check it: the charger is busted, and I have to spend $30 to get a new one. Ok, that's not too bad. Except, the guy takes 15 minutes roaming around the store, and eventually tells me they don't have a replacement in stock.

Didn't anyone think to look for a replacement at the time they determined it was busted?!?!
So after 15 minutes of searching and me now being late for class, I still have no charger, my phone is still dead, and the guy tells me to drive up to the Owings Mills store to see if they have my charger.

Didn't anyone think to call up there and see if they have one, and maybe have them either save one for me or send it down to the Catonsville store?!?!
Stupid people. Stupid Verizon. Stupid phone.

I don't have much else to say, and I need to get going because I have work soon. I get to come home tonight and work on more papers... what fun. At least my classes, minus finals, are officially over. For all of you out there who talk to me semi-normally, this blog might be our only form of communication for the next few days. And for those out there who don't check this, well, you're not reading this anyway, so why should I even say anything to you?

Talk to you all later.

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Monday, May 16, 2005

The way it always was, it's no longer good enough...

I need to be brave.

That's easier said than done.

I'm sitting here in the library, doing anything I can to distract me from all this work I have to do. I hate being a procrastinator. I feel like I never have enough time for the things I want to do. Things like spend time with my girlfriend, keep the house clean (more of a need than want, but still...), read, sleep, enjoy life.

The problem is that when I evaluate these things and my life, it's not because I have too much to do that I cannot do the things I want, it's that I procrastinate in doing the things I need to do. Granted, writing this entry only takes 10 minutes, but I will probably have wasted most of these three hours here by the time it's said and done. Still, I have to do this work sometime. So, instead of doing it now and enjoying myself later, I play around, piddle, and waste away my time on the little things (thanks Hanna for getting that stupid comic stuck in my mind).

Anyways, I won't let myself go to bed tonight until I've gotten a day's worth of work done, and if that means I don't sleep, then I won't sleep. I need to teach myself a lesson. I hope to have re-evaluated myself enough over the summer to be able to avoid all this mess when the fall semester comes around.

That is, if I even attend school in the fall. My mother has not called the guy who holds my college fund (I'd do it myself, but I cannot touch that fund until I turn 21... in a month). For me to register for classes in the fall, I need to 1) see a counselor to clear me for registering, and 2) have paid for the spring semester. To pay for the spring semester, I need the money from that fund. I've expressly said that if I cannot get the classes I need because they are full (registration started April 25), then I will not take classes this semester. Sigh. It makes me wonder what the point is anyways.

As I look outside, I see it is a wonderful day. I think I might go out there and enjoy it for a few before going to class and getting back to work. That's all folks!

Additions to my Summer list:
  • Celebrate end of semester
  • Fix phone (although I'll probably do this today or tomorrow)
  • Start eating a little better
  • Clean up the apartment, and more specifically, my bedroom

**No Hannas were intentionally insulted in the writing of this blog entry.**

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

A little more than I can give...

I know this is a late post for Sunday, but I planned on writing something about how I had done nothing all day, when my girlfriend asked me if I wanted to do anything...

~~one thing I want to be clear about: I will not let this blog interfere with the real-time activities of my life. It is extra, and though I will try my best to maintain it, I will fill my days with adventures elsewhere and forsake it if given the chance~~

... anyways... well, basically I brought her hamsters over for her to see them. She barely gets to see them while they're living here with me, and she's missing them growing up. I suppose that after that, here I am.

We were watching this documentary about this guy Aron Ralston (I think that's how it's spelled) how had his arm crushed in a canyon and was stuck there alone for six days without food or water. He had to literally torque his arm in such a way as to break the bones so he could cut the flesh and muscle and nerve off (thus removing his arm... and saving his life). It was kind of a scary thought, of having to do that to myself.

As for the rest of my day, I woke up about 1pm again, because I stayed up late playing Quest 64. It's funny how the old games become fun again when you haven't played them in forever. Anyways, I proceeded to spend a large portion of the day today also playing Quest (although I think I have it mostly out of my system).

I'm starting my list of things I wish to do over the summer. Here's what I have so far:
  • Get a haircut
  • Buy new shoes
  • Write 50,000 words toward a novel
  • Spend a serious amount of time revisiting my faith and possibly getting well into reading the Bible
  • I'll probably spend a week or so in Utah/Arizona/California on vacation with my family
  • I might spend a few days at Ocean City with my girlfriend's family (we'll see what happens with that later)

But first I have to finish my papers so I can maybe go see Star Wars Ep. III on opening night. And speaking of nights, I hope you all have a great one. *goes to bed*

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!