- - - - - - - - - - - - - News Marquee - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~~ Trying to keep up with news here is too much work. If anyone wants me to say something here, then e-mail me and I will add it as soon as possible. Otherwise, just have a nice day! -Otik ~~ Hello! News and other information coming soon to this location. ~~ Advertise here! E-mail Nic at onethingiknow@hotmail.com for more information. ~~ Not had enough? Visit "The Unknown World" for more. ~~ Don't forget to visit the "My Quizzes" link on the sidebar. ~~

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Friday, May 27, 2005

Never know what ya got...

Nothing to say today... spent my time all day sleeping, giving rides, and playing electronic games. It's the strangest of paradoxes, where one wants to get out of school because they are slammed with classes, but once those classes are over, there is almost a sense of "missing" that having something to do with one's time. I haven't quite reached that point yet, as I'm perfectly content to just waste away my days still.

A little bit of news for those of you out there who can't stand the music here at my blogspot... I plan on posting the same entries as here at a second location (with music optional): My Myspace

I'm going down to D.C. tomorrow, as we're meeting some friends who are in town from the other Washington. Should be fun. After that, I work. I don't know if I'll get a chance to blog tomorrow.

I guess I'll leave it at that.

P.S. - TWO COMMENTS! W00H00! (btw, I am going to try to comment in other blogs a little more)

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Lying awake, night after night...

It seems I've only been on at nights recently. There's not a whole lot I can do about it though. This is the time I seem to find myself online. I know I'm not posting everyday anymore either. During the school semester, I'm at a computer every day. Over the summer though, not only am I busy with other things, but I don't have an automatic reason to be online. I'll try to keep up though.

Good night to all of you out there.

(And I know I'm being a hypocrite here, but I could use some commentors *wink*.)

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Barely breathing...

I'm alive... and...




"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Monday, May 23, 2005

There's just too much that time can not erase...


I realize now that besides yesterday, I missed Friday too. I don't know how that happened. Oh well, life happens I suppose. I missed yesterday because I literally didn't touch the computer all day, and by the time I got on at 2am this morning, I was too tired to blog anything.

Just three finals to go now, and then I'm home free for the semester. I still haven't signed up for anything for the fall, and with each passing day my chances of getting anything worthwhile are narrowing. I actually wouldn't mind the semester off though, so I'm not complaining too much.

The last couple of nights I've talked online with a childhood friend of mine. Although he was my best friend throughout elementary school and for years afterwards as I was homeschooled, we basically just stopped talking a few years ago. My brother reminded me that the first time I saw Star Wars Episode I, I saw it with this friend. I had completely forgotten about that, and I realize now that that was about the time he stopped hanging out. Anyways, it's been really good to spend some time catching up on my past, and remembering that there were a lot of good parts of my childhood mixed in with the bad parts.

I came over to school today so I could use the computers freely and not have to struggle with two other people vying for time. Now that I'm here, I am beginning to notice how funny the animals here on campus are. Last week, a couple of geese hissed at me as I was walking to my car. I suppose they were just protecting their babies, but that was not a sound I expected to hear from a goose. The fish in the pond don't do anything: if I drop a rock on top of them, they'll let it hit them and bounce off. If I didn't know that were real, I'd say they were fake fish. Then today as I am walking to the library, I walk past a clump of trees with a hawk perched on a branch. I guess I got too close or something, because it started "KKKAAAWWW"ing that me like a bird-car alarm. I'll probably get assaulted by a herd of retrievers (school mascot) next.

I'll leave this entry to that, as I will now get back to my studying. Tchuss!

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Will you be there...

As I fall to sleep will you comfort me?
When my heart is weak will you rescue me?

Will you be there as I grow cold?
Will you be there when I'm falling down?
Will you be there?

When I'm in retreat can I run to you?
Will my pain release at your mercy seat?

Will you be there as I grow cold?
Will you be there when I'm falling down?
Will you be there?
My heart grows cold
Will you be there when I'm falling down?

Are you saying so?
Oh, I gotta believe it
Are you saying yeah?
When your love comes down I can rest my eyes
Feel your grace and power flood into my life
As my brokenness and your strength collide
When your love comes down, falling down

As I fall to sleep
As I fall to sleep

Will you be there as I grow cold?
Will you be there when I'm falling down?
Will you be there?
My heart grows cold
Will you be there when I'm falling down?

This is a beautiful song, and one I'm thinking about at 2am this morning. visit here to listen to a low quality version of it. Thats all for now. I'll count this as Saturday's entry.

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!