If I were not so weak, if I were not so cold...
*Looks around*
I guess I haven't been here in a while. That's the way life works, I suppose. When we are young, we find things to fill our time, full of whimsy and freedom, lost in the care-free spirit. As we grow and age, however, we find we have things we must do with that time, and since no new time magically appears for us to use, we must inevitably leave behind the activities and events of the past, in order to make room. Perhaps this is what happened to me and my blogging.
Well, I'm back... At least for now.
As can be seen from my previous failure to post, I don't seem to be able to blog simply for the fun of it. I don't, as some have said, gain some therapeutic effect from my writings. I often find it annoying, since I never like the way my words come out, and I seem to always be located towards the bottom of the list when it comes to the eloquence of my writing about my days. Not having a large reading audience doesn't help motivate me either.
However, I think I may have found a good reason to resume my blogging ventures (thus, the reason why I am here). Perhaps there is a purpose for my writing down the events of my day. No promises though.
As many of my potential readers may already be aware of ( I say potential, because after not blogging for over seven months, I don't expect many people to check here anymore), I am now co-head of my household. My mom moved out to Utah on December 28. 2005, and my brother and I are now responsible for keeping the apartment clean, keeping the lights, heat, internet, and phone on, and making enough money to accomplish that (as well as trying to stay in college).
Being me, I know how I tend to handle new responsibilities. It usually takes me until well past the time when things are due for me to get myself ready enough to START handling those issues. I don't want that to happen this time. That CANNOT happen this time.
So, my plan is to use this blog as a sort of accountability for myself, allowing me to reflect on my day, as well as react to my successes... Or failures. Yes, I know I will fail. I also know that it is a learning process, and as long as I don't die of exposure or starvation, I should only be better for the experience. I am going to try to blog about my day, every day. I'll talk about what I did, what I didn't do, what's in the future for me, and what I'm thinking in regards to those topics. So, enjoy, or do not... It's all your decision.
Perhaps my revival of this blog will keep those spammers away as well. Look, I'm killing two birds with one stone! Seems I'm already on the right track.
To any readers I may still have: you are free to read, you are free to comment. However, the rest is solely up to me. The last thing I need during times of failure is someone telling me to "shape up", for example. That said, I will always appreciate encouragement, and I will always appreciate prayers.
It's good to be back, even if this is at the sacrifice of my sleep tonight (I couldn't sleep anyways, I've been coughing all night).
Mmm... Banana!
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