- - - - - - - - - - - - - News Marquee - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~~ Trying to keep up with news here is too much work. If anyone wants me to say something here, then e-mail me and I will add it as soon as possible. Otherwise, just have a nice day! -Otik ~~ Hello! News and other information coming soon to this location. ~~ Advertise here! E-mail Nic at onethingiknow@hotmail.com for more information. ~~ Not had enough? Visit "The Unknown World" for more. ~~ Don't forget to visit the "My Quizzes" link on the sidebar. ~~

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

I struggle with forward motion...

Hello again. I had and still have every intention of blogging here regularly, but that becomes a little more difficult when I get sick. I've been in bed since about 6:30pm yesterday, and I've been feeling horrible (still coughing, etc) since over a full day before that. What a way to begin this lovely adventure.

It seems no one has yet to visit my site since I started up again. That's ok. I'm sure slowly but surely people will return. If they don't, that's ok too. The readers aren't the point this time.

How have I been doing? Well, aside from being seriously hindered by this cold/flu/whatever I've had, I could have been worse. I spent the early part of Friday with my girlfriend. We went to breakfast, ran some errands, and generally enjoyed spending time together. I made it to the bank later, where among other things, I deposited my $1.41 check from work. Yay for earning a living!

I worked in the evening, as the host. They've decided I'm SOOO good at hosting, that I can just do it every week now! I'm so happy (that's sarcasm)! Well, considering I'm likely to make $40-$50 for about 4 hours of work on Fridays, it's not a horrible deal, and hosting's really not that bad. I could be make more on a Friday night doing something else though.

I had to go right home after work, which I probably wouldn't have done otherwise, because my brother forgot his key and got locked out. So, I had to let him in. I had quite the fit sleeping that night. My coughing got so bad that night, that I actually drove down to Giant around 4:30am to get myself some cough suppressant. The coughing had given me a nasty headache, so I also grabbed some aleeve. I actually slept pretty well the rest of the night.

Deana decided to drop by around noon (semi-unexpectedly), so that's when I finally got up. She came back around 3pm so we could spend some time together before work. This kind of forced me to straighten things up around the apartment. It didn't look too bad by the time she got here. Unfortunately, by then I was really starting to feel sick to my stomach.

We got to work at 5pm, and by 6pm I was finishing my first three tables. It was then that my body decided it was done fighting my stomach. I'll leave it at that. Management let me finish my tables and leave. I came home and immediately went to sleep. "Sleep", here includes waking up every 1-3 hours. I lost the battle with my stomach once more, around 11:30pm. However, after having some toast, I slept pretty well throughout most of the night. It was after 11am before I woke up this morning.

I guess that's about it so far. I don't expect to do anything today, except possibly go to work. I'm not sure if I'm feeling up to it or not, but I've got about another hour or two to figure that out. I've got a lot of stuff to make up for on Monday though.

"Because the story must go on..."

Mmm... Banana!


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